home made cookies

happy weekend!

Grand Tetons via personal collection

The weather finally turned cool today so I'm spending some time cozied up in blankets, reading with the windows open and imagining nights when it's cold enough to light a fire. Have I mentioned how much  I love cold weather? It never really feels like fall to me until the weather turns crisp. Speaking of cool, here are some cool things I've found while catching up with blogs and websites (hah cheesiest lead in ever)

I am having a hard time deciding if I like rustic or modern home the most, but with this house I wouldn't have to choose.

Isn't this wedding lovely? (Did you see those lily pads?!)

This red wine chocolate cake sounds wonderful.

Have young kids? Please buy them this.

I once met someone whose mom had a money tree growing up. (Seriously.) I doubt it was as cool as this though!

This is so random, but so cute. Would you stamp your cookies?