Boys Will Be Boys

Courtney Khail contemporary watercolor artist Sugar & Vice Collection (about womanhood and growing up)
Courtney Khail contemporary watercolor artist Sugar & Vice Collection (about womanhood and growing up)

Boys Will Be Boys


Watercolor, inks, and graphite on paper

24”(H) x 18”(W)

Arrives unframed

This piece is from the 2022 SUGAR & VICE painting collection and will be mailed promptly after the conclusion of the show on September 30th.


Boys Will Be Boys

It never made sense to me why adults would say if a boy from school was mean to me, it meant that he liked me. That is a terrible lesson that only normalizes bad behavior.

The only thing it means when a boy is being mean to someone is that they are emotionally immature assholes (and are probably being raised by them as well.)

You know how boys showed me they liked me in elementary school? They didn’t make fun of me or push me down, no, they bought me presents.

Take for example Benjamin from my second grade class. Once a week for about a month, Benjamin brought me a candy bar. And not just any candy bar, a full sized cookies and mint Hershey bar.

This wasn’t just some leftover Halloween candy he scrounged up. He actually had to ask his mom to buy this specifically from the grocery store.

This showed that Benjamin was not an asshole. That he knew to be nice and thoughtful to the people he liked. And what does that say about his parents?


That they were dentists and had effectively found a way to drum up business at our elementary school.

The lesson here? It’s never too early to have your kids bring in new clients for the family business. (Also that if someone likes you, they will be nice to you.)

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