
Craving: Halona Glass

via Halona Glass

Our new place has amazing windows with deep sills and I can't help but think how beautiful a few of these plant toppers or prisms would be when the sun hit them. I remember giving a crystal heart to my mom (I think it was for my mom, but it may have been to both of my parents) when I was young and loved watching the rainbows dance across the walls whenever light poured through it.

Do any of you own one or can attest to how beautiful these are in real life?

(And on an unrelated note, happy birthday to my friend, Mel. I hope it's a wonderful one!)

craving: Overdyed Kilim Rug

via onekingslane

Now that we officially have our place (can everyone hear that sigh of relief? Because we are STOKED and feel like huge weight has been lifted) I'm already jumping into decor and planning things out in my head. And while buying a completely different rug yesterday (after weeks of looking for "the one" that both J and I loved), I stumbled across this little jewel and fell in love. Bold, quirky, and traditional at the same time.

If only it was larger, I may have talked myself into it. Good thing it wasn't though because there is no way I can justify purchasing another rug when we have a lot of other things to collect!